KO C is a serial Hit maker . Every song he makes is a hit . For over the years every song he makes becomes a National Hit . The Francophone and Anglophone audience both vibe to his songs and other French Countries . He is that good at what he does and has mastered the kind of songs he should put out there .
His Album is by the corner and from every indication it will be on sale . I n an interview with Fidjil Ko c talks about the poor purchasing power of music albums in Cameroon. In his words “

“I cannot have close to 1.000.000 followers on Facebook and not up to 500.000 are able to purchase my album. If you can’t support, unsubscribe. It is better to have 20 people who can buy your album than 1 million who cannot”
This statement shows how ignorant he might be when it comes to selling Albums in CAMEROON . It already speaks low of his marketing strategies .
Ko C fails to understand that some of his followers are kids who can’t even afford breakfast , some are people who just want to monitor him , some are people who just liked the page cus it popped up on their timeline many times . So why do we think he might not be making Giant Sales ??? Ko c has no monetized Fan base . We havnt Said he doesn’t have fans , we said monetized fan base . A monetized fan base is a group of people who identify themselves as your fans , willing to buy your albums , merch , attend your concerts and do everything to push you up . We have only two Cameroonian Rappers with such a fan base and it’s Mic Monsta and Jovi . This two have a monetize fan base , people who can touch the sky for them . You can see from the number of Album sales they make . Mic Monsta recently became the best selling artiste on Enow Digital . This is because he has his monetize fan base . Jovi has his fans who will buy everything that has to do with Jovi . Have you seen anybody identifying themselves as a Ko C fan ???? Seen a group of people coming together as his fans ???
Poor Promo . How is the promotion of the Album done ? The only thing you hear is “ Album drops soon “ . Which Major Media outlet is talking about the Album ??? Have you seen billboards on the streets talking about the Album ? Well Ko C believes that the Album is very good and it will sell itself . That’s weird cus the biggest brands in the world still do adverts .
Singers in this part of the country hardly make Great Album sales . Ko C and Daphne might be serial hit makers but they will hardly have great album sales . Truth is hit songs die down easily and people do not want to sacrifice for something that will die down that fast . People prefer to buy Rap Albums that they can listen to at home and it opens their minds .
Truth is Ko C will have great Album streams especially on boomplay that Cameroonians and Africans have unlimited access to . Ko C might also make more money by releasing it exclusively on boomplay or Audiomack but when it comes to Album sales ? the chances of him having great album sales are very slim .
Well , everything has a GENESIS