Sunday, March 9


The most Anticipated Album of the Year is here .  We understand it took really long but finally it’s here .  

If You are here , this is what we expect from you . Cameroon has a host of talents and Ko C is one of them . He has worked on this Album for long and  invested a lot on it . 

We are calling on Cameroonians to stream this Album massively when it’s out . That’s how we can grow . If Ko C makes great numbers , the rest of the world will respect us and most definitely look for him and that’s how we will connect with the rest of the world . If he releases it on Boomplay , we want to see a million streams in a day .

We are also calling on Cameroonians to buy the Album if it’s on Sale .  This is the best way to motivate our artistes . We complain they don’t drop Albums, if his Album drops today will you buy ??? We are calling on all of you to buy Ko C’s Album . Let’s develop that culture of buying EPs and Albums . 

Other countries are making great numbers out there . Cameroon shouldn’t be left behind .  Let’s join the culture of streaming and Buying Albums . This is the best way we can empower our artistes  and make them work harder .  

You have no excuse on why you shouldn’t stream or buy Ko C ‘s Album when it drops .  You know he makes great music . 

God forbid , his Album can’t  leak . 

Let’s all Anticipate GENESIS ALBUM by Ko C