The chaos around the world is on a steady rise and one will think evil is having an upper hand and humans fast losing their humanity partly as an inability to handle the pressures that come with the modern society. The advent of the social media has even added pain to injury. Almost every morning one wakes to some gruesome image in our inboxes or some heart breaking tragedy of either murder, children raped to death, war echoes, suicides etc. Schools and even some so called prayer places have become arenas for bullying and fear inciting. Humans have become indifferent to other humans and lack of compassion toward those who suffer injustice and this is a real issue we must confront in our communities.

 We will all agree there is urgent need for action and we can choose to let the humanity in us prevail amidst the aggressiveness and indifference. We can choose to be intentional about doing good, intentional about making people feel the value of overcoming fear/insecurities  , making people feel disdain for evil, intentional about making someone feel the love they never got, make someone gain confidence in themselves. We can choose to practice kindness without discrimination; we want to see the return of empathy, the expression of gratitude and value of lifting ourselves by lifting others.

Kindness can mean different things to different people. The meaning is in how we choose to show it. Be it through empathy, acceptance, kind gestures, thoughtfulness, the possibilities are entirely up to us. Has someone ever done something kind to you and all you wanted to do after was pay it forward? That’s because kindness is a chain reaction. It’s a wave that keeps rolling, and all it needs is one person to start it. One small kind act can cause a ripple effect that impacts an entire community. If we are all focused on being kind, we are creating a movement of change especially when this kindness is without discrimination. 

This campaign is aimed at promoting random acts of kindness without discrimination and encouraging us to take responsibility of our peace by providing a peaceful space for our neighbour. We want to hold ourselves accountable for our own welfare. We all deserve love and  we can collectively gift that to ourselves. 

We therefore urge you to graciously join this campaign and let’s together say no to indifference and yes to compassion. 

The Impact Makers for Humanity is an organization founded by Cameroonian Gospel Artist , AkuBai  .

AkuBai has been one of the most consistent and talented Gospel artiste In CAMEROON .Her music is inspirational and carry teachings that shapes the way youths behave . AkuBai is using her voice to worship God and win more souls for God as she spread the Gospel through her music . 







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