Sunday, March 9


FAME AND IMPACT, Average Cameroonians Think Mr. Leo is losing it

FAME AND IMPACT, Average Cameroonians Think Mr. Leo is losing it

The music business is not easy . At times you are everywhere but making no money. Some will be on one spot making millions.  Now let’s break it for you. Ko C, Tzy , Daphne, etc do very good music that trends and people dance to it. They are more Famous than @Mic Monsta but truth is they can’t match Mic Monsta sales if they drop an album.  Jovi will stay home the whole year , giving up on fame and creating just an impact .  Mr Leo sure discovered that it hurts to be Famous and broke.  George Enow of Enowdigital made a post last week telling the public how broke our famous celebrities are and it is True.  The problem is they just want to be famous and they ignore impact.  What brings an artiste money is the impact they create in their society, country, or Continent.  Look at this...
Stanley Enow’s Statistics on “Social Blade “

Stanley Enow’s Statistics on “Social Blade “

According to Social Blade MTV award winner STANLEY ENow makes about $585 to $9.4k yearly and  $49 to $781  monthly from YouTube .  He has also gained  about 1300 subscribers in the last 30days. Stanley has also had 195k views in the last 30days  He has 97 videos on YouTube and a total of 18.2 million views on YouTube .  Nigerian Joeboy makes about $31.5k to $503. 3k  yearly on YouTube .  His monthly earnings are $2.6k to $41.9k . This is more than Stanley’s yearly earnings on YouTube .  Joeboy has 78 videos on his YouTube channel with over 133 million views . He has gained over 37k subscribers in the last 30 days .  These statistics are not to make our artistes feel bad but to show us that we have a lot of ...