There are Certain things that we don’t joke with .Your Artwork and Album Title .This two things says a lot about the Album and it is already a pulling factor as it makes people want to listen to the Album or Ep.However choosing an Album Title is still a Nightmare for some Artistes .
They end up choosing Album Titles that are not good .So how do you Really Choose or Name your Album ???

Song from the Album.Many people name their Album with the song name from the Album.Most often , this song is usually the best or Represent the Album in its Entirety.
You can name your Album just with the title of a song in the Album .But make sure that the Song you chose to name your Album is really dope.
Theme of the Album. Every Album has a concept .Most often ,Artistes tell their story in the Album or a Particular story.Using a Catchy Phrase about this theme to name your Album will be Epic and Give Listeners a clue about what they gonna be hearing .
An Event ,Place or Person that inspired the Album.
Albums ,just like songs are inspired by People,places or Events . You might chose to name your Album based on any of these .
Don’t just go and give titles to Albums which you can’t back it up .If you go on an Interview and they ask you how you came about the Title, you might be Quiet or just speechless.
Great Album Titles will make Your Album sell more.

Mic Monsta’s Album is ready, the cover art and Album title is Great .