Monday, March 10

Are Christians now more United than ever? 

Over the years we have seen the different denominations in the christiandom fight each other especially the Men of God and their artists but is this still the case? Seems like something has changed.

The President of the Loveworld Nation Pastor Chris has from the start of the year hosted tv programs like The Healing Streams, Your Loveworld and The Global day of prayer with BILLIONS of christians connected from all around the world, actively participating regardless of their denomination.

2 days ago, the whole christiandom celebrated the birthday of the man of God Apostle Joshua Selman, the media space busy with wishes, songs of honor, and testimonies even those who used to criticize him totally. 

The renowned music Star Minister Mercy Chinwo Who just got engaged is still the most talked about engagement. 

What really happened? Are Christians now discovering what love and unity is? Or is it just the fulfilment of scripture for the unity of faith so that the trumpet can sound? Or are these people giving them something we don’t know about? 

What do you think about this sudden unity in the christiandom?